Medico Legal Experience
Background Information
Dr Lambert has extensive experience in providing medico-legal opinions on all aspects of rheumatology including occupation or accident related musculo-skeletal symptoms, Employment Tribunals, and cases of clinical negligence. He is frequently instructed by solicitors acting for the plaintiff and defendant (approximately 40:60 split) and has extensive experience in Court procedure.
We aim to offer an appointment for interview and examination for preparation of a medico-legal report within 1-2 weeks of receiving instructions and aim to provide a final report within a further 2 weeks. Solicitors working to tighter schedules are welcome to discuss their requirements with us.
Terms and Conditions and a detailed CV are available on request.
Where to Refer
Communication relating to medico-legal work should be forwarded to the our offices at:
The Edinburgh Rheumatology Practice
18 Regent Terrace

We aim to offer an appointment for interview and examination for preparation of a medico-legal report within 1-2 weeks of receiving instructions.