About Us
The Edinburgh Rheumatology Practice aims to provide the best available private medical care for any rheumatological problem.
Our Aim
Whtaever your condition from troublesome backache to the potentially life threatening complications of connective tissue disease many symptoms can be managed in a visit or two. Others, such as rheumatoid arthritis, may entail long-term advice and careful supervision of complex therapies where continuity of care is particularly valued. At the Edinburgh Rheumatology Practice your management will be tailored to your specific requirements and our aim is to provide professional support, advice and information to enable you to participate in making informed decisions about your treatment.
Accessibility is key to our service, whether you require an urgent appointment, a quick response to an e-mail query or advice over the phone. The Edinburgh Rheumatology Practice offers appointments, on referral from your GP, at Spire Murrayfield Hospital. Appointments are routinely available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and at other times by arrangement.
Accessibility is key to our service, whether you require an urgent appointment, a quick response to an e-mail query or advice over the phone. The Edinburgh Rheumatology Practice offers appointments, on referral from your GP, at Spire Murrayfield Hospital. Appointments are routinely available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and at other times by arrangement.
Over the years we have established close professional links with recognised experts in other specialties including elective orthopaedic, hand and spinal surgery (Edinburgh Orthopaedics). Our colleagues in musculo-skeletal radiology provide rapid access the latest medical imaging modalities including CT, MRI, ultrasound and Nuclear Medicine. Finally, of course, we realise that communication with your GP is essential and we ensure that they are kept fully informed of decisions throughout your treatment.
The Edinburgh Rheumatology Practice is recognised by all major health insurers- BUPA, AXA PPP, Standard Life, AVIVA, WPA, Simply Health etc and we will invoice your insurance company directly for settlement of your account. We are happy to accept uninsured patients who may settle their account directly with us by cheque or credit card. We will always give an indication of the likely cost of any treatment that we offer and you are welcome to discuss this with us prior to your initial appointment.
Dr C. Michael Lambert MD FRCP, Consultant Rheumatologist
Michael Lambert has over thirty years experience in rheumatology. He has busy consultant practices in both the NHS and private sectors. On graduation from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1983 he trained in general medicine and rheumatology at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases in Bath and the University of Edinburgh. Following an MD thesis on medical therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, his clinical and research interests have continued to focus on new biologic therapies for inflammatory joint disease, particularly rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.
Dr Lambert is a GMC accredited specialist rheumatologist, a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, an honorary clinical senior lecturer in the University of Edinburgh and medical director of the Edinburgh Rheumatology Practice.